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Church Ministries
When and where do we meet? The first Sunday of every month. Occasionally for other occasions e.g. Easter, Christmas, etc., meet in the church.
What time commitment is needed? As with most ministries, the more people there are to help, the less each person has to do. It does not take a large portion of time to prepare the communion table. It is however important that if you are on duty you arrive early to prepare the elements and arrange for everything to be cleared away.
Objective/Aim/Goal: To set the Communion table
Recommended gifts: If one of your gifts is helping, this is a ministry for you
What we do:
- The bread is cut into blocks, and can be prepared at home the previous evening and stored in an airtight container.
- You must be at the church by 7:15 on Communion Sunday and can leave when everything is tidy and cleared away. The tablecloth and net must also be taken away to be washed, but can only be collected after the evening service or during the following week as the youth also have Communion on the first Sunday.
- Put the special tablecloth on the table. Fill the Communion cups and chalice with grape juice.
- Divide the cut bread between two special plates that are in the cupboard under the banners in the alcove.
- Bring three round bread rolls, one for each service, and put them on the table with the bread.
- Cover the bread plates with cling wrap. Cover all the elements with the net provided.
- After the first service the Communion cups must be washed and refilled, the cling wrap must be put back onto the bread and the table made ready for the second service.
- After the second service the table can be prepared again for approximately 35 people as the youth also take communion. The rest of the communion glasses can be washed and put away.
- The remaining bread must be disposed of reverently, so it can be eaten. There are usually some hungry people after church and they will eat it. (It cannot just be thrown away, as it has been blessed).
- The net covers the elements until the evening service.
Leader: Bernard and Trudy Kelfkens (Elder/Executive Member: Suren Reddy)
Location: Heidelberg Methodist Church
Objective/Aim/Goal: To build God’s Kingdom.
What we do: Give and prepare a gift for those who are being baptized, fill in the baptism register, put the baptism dates and names on the cradle roll. Keep in touch with the families after their child is baptized. Phone on special occasions like birthdays, first day at school, etc.
When do we meet? Sunday mornings around 8:30 at the church.
Objective/Aim/Goal: To make the congregation and specifically visitors feel welcome.
Recommended ability: A love for people and the ability to speak to anyone.
What we do: On arrival, open the windows in the church, light the candles, welcome the congregation and visitors at the door, hand out notices at the door. Ring the bell. Help with collection during the service.
Objective/Aim/Goal: To keep the building and equipment in good repair and working order.
Recommended ability: Crafts, an ability to repair and make things.
What we do: We fix and repair any damage to buildings or equipment in and around the church. Also to help with installation of equipment, e.g. heaters, fans, digital projectors, etc.
Prayer and Intercession
When and where do we meet? Wednesdays at 17:00 in the Church.
What time commitment is needed? Varies
What we do: Congregants with a passion to pray are welcome to come and be part of the service by praying during the service.
Fellowship and Social
When and where do we meet? TBD
What time commitment is needed? Regular attendance at the group you join.
Objective/Aim/Goal: To provide fellowship and friendship groups, in order to help them to grow in their faith and their walk with God.
Recommended ability: A heart for people, love and understanding.
What we do: We slot you into a Cell group to suit your needs. The Cell groups provide members and adherents with fellowship, friendship, caring and Bible teachings.
When and where do we meet? One Saturday a month at various venues.
Objective/Aim/Goal: Evangelize and disciple men into and through HMC. To improve men in furthering the work of Kingdom building. To provide times of fellowship and interaction to encourage them to be men of Godly character, Good Shepherd’s, members of HMC and examples to others.
Recommended ability: Evangelism
What we do: Hold men’s breakfasts and outings five Saturday per year at 6:30am. We do a men’s celebration service the third Sunday in October. We also partake in men’s retreats, Cyara, Angus Buchan and Men’s Ministry.
What time commitment is needed? Approximately 2 hours for each new members breakfast and an hour a month to follow up on new members.
Objective/Aim/Goal: To give new members a memorable introduction into the church, and to give them information on the workings of the church and the ministries that are available in the church.
Recommended ability: Administration, creativity, enjoy meeting new people and entertaining.
What we do: We arrange the food for the breakfast, ensure that the hall is correctly set up and that it looks inviting. To arrange that the leaders of a few ministries attend the breakfast to talk about their ministries, to welcome new members into the church and to maintain a relationship with them. The new members’ breakfast is also for long-standing members who would like to recommit to HMC.
When and where do we meet? As per dates on the church calendar, usually at Wesley Hall.
What time commitment is needed? An afternoon or a morning on a Saturday
Objective/Aim/Goal: To provide teaching that will allow women to grow spiritually, strengthen their faith and develop boldness in witnessing.
Recommended ability: No gift needed- just a desire to learn and grow as a Christian.
What we do: We provide and teach Christian fundamentals, inspiration and opportunities and challenges to develop one’s personal daily walk with the Lord.
Outreach Ministries
When and where do we meet? See the church calendar – four fundraising events per year
What time commitment is needed? Depends on what has been planned
Objective/Aim/Goal: To raise funds for the church, fellowship and fun.
Recommended ability: Organizing ability, gift of the gab, to be able to negotiate prizes etc. , commitment and dedication, ideas for making money.
What we do: Varies. Depends on what the plans are. In the past we have done a music evening as well as a car rally. Speak to Alan if you would like to be involved in the organizing.
When and where do we meet? When required
What time commitment is needed? Varies to the needs.
Objective/Aim/Goal: To console, comfort and encourage hospitalized Methodists.
Recommended ability: Empathy and compassion.
What we do: Visit the sick in hospitals and pray for them.
When and where do we meet? As and when requiredWhat time commitment is needed? Varies to the needs, etc.
Objective/Aim/Goal: To console, comfort and encourage disabled and frail Methodists.
Recommended Ability: Empathy and compassion.
What we do: Visit disabled and frail Methodists at home, in Old Aged homes, etc. Arrange and assist with Holy Communion for them.
When and where do we meet? 16:30 – 17:30 on Sundays in Wesley Hall
What time commitment is needed? Approximately an hour every Sunday whilst the Confirmation classes are running.
Objective/Aim/Goal: This is a year long journey culminating in the Confirmation Service where the Confirmees make a public statement that Jesus is their Saviour and Redeemer.
Recommended ability: Teaching
What we do: This journey looks at many basic principles of Christianity and also attempts to integrate the Confirmees into doing at least one society project during the year.
When and where do we meet? Saturday mornings at 09h00 for 13 consecutive weeks a year in Wesley Hall
What time commitment is needed? 2 hours per week while the course is running.
Objective/Aim/Goal: To help others to get over the loss of a loved one.
Recommended ability: Compassion and understanding for others who are grieving, as well as patience.
What we do: Grief Share is a video seminar that features some of the foremost Christian experts on grief and recovery topics as seen from a biblical perspective. The video seminars are combined with support group discussions of the materials presented during the video.